Sunday, April 10, 2011

In The Beginning...

In The Beginning... there was Murphy's Law. And it was good because Murphy was only writing about it. Fast forward into the future and along comes a poor fellow named Dallas. He is familiar with Murphy's Law, not because he has a knowledge of the written word, but he has a personal experience with it. He lives Murphy's Law daily.

I had every intention of writing an elaborate story to catch you by the seat of your pants and take you into a realm of unbelievable experiences. Of course that was before I tried to set up this blog. Until today I had not considered myself as 'technilogically challenged'. Now I have learned the truth. I now wonder if I could supplement my 3 year olds' allowance enough so that he would resolve all of these technical issues for me. I turn quickly from my computer and I can glimpse 'the look' on his face. You know what I am referring to. The look of pity for the adult who sits in front of the computer screen, but in a child's words, "just doesn't get it". Walk away from your computer for just one moment, and you'll see what I mean. That innocent child has climbed to the seat of your computer chair, and in a few quick keystrokes has rendered your computer inoperable, necessitating a full system reboot. You think he has punched some combination of keys that has frozen up the internal workings of your computer tower, but in the back of your mind you harbor the lingering doubts that maybe it was all on purpose. Your child's feeble attempt to save his daddy from the embarrasment of realizing that he is technologically challenged. Too late, I have discovered the truth and I hang my head in shame as I hit the submit button, and dream back to the good old days with my Commodore 64.

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